Title of publication 'Doctor Who' is written in the original font used on the TV programme and helps the audience to easily identity with the brand. The colour is silver, so it's striking and the colour silver connotes authority and power.
Flash line - "The Day of The Doctor" is a catchphrase which sticks in the audiences mind because it's intense and could possibly be interpreted that the 'Doctor' may be out to seek revenge in the programme, ultimately the audience feel excited.
Central image - The central image is of three character from the original programme, however the main focus is on the original Doctor who has a serious look. The purpose of this might be that the three characters might be at war with each other or possibly teaming up with each other to create tension and excitement.
Slogan - the slogan is at the top of the page and states how it's "50 years" since the Doctor Who adventure started, it is informing the audience and makes them look forward to the programme
Free offers - there are free posters offered inside, this element is crucial by attracting customers to buy the magazine.
Colour scheme - the colours used on this cover are: white, red, gold and silver. The colour scheme helps to promote the idea of power and authority.
Name checks - the main name used on the cover is 'Doctor' who al the fans are familiar with, it also indicates how he is the main character
Language - word choice includes words such as: space, time and adventure - these words are significant because they relate to the narrative and genre of the programme which is sci-fi. The font links to the sci-fi theme giving off an impression of adventure.
Competition - there is a chance for fans to win a dvd/blue-ray. Competitions prompt fans to want to buy the magazine to have the feeling that they might be able to win something.
Target audience - Doctor Who fans, aged between 16 - 40 years old, 70% male and 30% female. ABC1 demographic, people who live in the city and travel a lot. People who have a main interest in science fiction and watch a lot of movies.
Bar code, date, price - The bar code and date is on the front cover to give a realistic feel.

TV souvenir magazine cover -
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