Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Representation of Women

1 - Background

The video was a protest against pg 3 on 'the sun'. They believe that because of pg3 the representation of women in general is sex object and them not being valued naturally and covered, this makes influences the younger generation into thinking that those representation of women is normal. So they want to put a stop to pg 3.

Some of the conclusions made include:  

  • "The men are always active not posed and the women are passive its all about how they look"
  • "when i look at the men side i see real life, when I look at the women side I do not see real its all manufactured"
  • "this is a newspaper renowned for sport and there inst a single picture of a women doing sport"
  • "the only older women on there are women on mobility scooters, the Queen and Mrs Brown"  
  • "there is a range on emotions on the mens side, the women are mainly smiling or pouting"
I agree with these conclusions, it shows bodies that are not natural which are mostly plastic surgery and make most women feel bad about themselves instead of being proud of what they have. Pg 3 defeats the equality that many women fought for over centuries but creates this representation of sex objects that are incapable of the achievements that men can do.  

2 - Women in video games;

This article is about female gamers being harassed by the male gamers, this is mainly due the the avatars that are available to female players, these avatars are very sexual and half naked.
This is an article about women representation in the popular game GTA5, women are mostly presented as vulnerable prostitutes or sex objects, this article suggests that this game was made to make men more dominate and exploit women

This article is about a women who walked 10hrs in new york city with casual wear, she was verbally harassed 108 times excluding wolf whistles and winks, and another man followed her for an hour. this suggests that women are not respected even in everyday situations due to the representations of women created in the media.  

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