1) Takers - Chris Brown chase scene - FILM
Barthes' action and enigma codes - the action code used in this scene is Chris Brown suddenly starts running and the audience wonders whether he'll be able to escape from the police to a safer place. The enigma code used in this clip are the guns, both the police and Chris Brown use, which represents danger and an element of violence. This makes the reader question if everyone will be able to survive.
Todorov's equilibrium - the equilibrium at the start of the clip is when Chris Brown in casually walking, the disequilibrium is when he starts to rush and run away from the police. The new equilibrium is yet to be restored.
Propp's stock characters - Chris Brown is represented at the dispatcher, someone who is sent on a mission. The police are represented as villains.
2) Eastenders (2014) - Phil Shot - TV
Barthes' action and enigma codes - the action code used here is when the clip starts out with the characters all in tears, this makes the audience curious as to what caused this? Then Shirley, the villain, waves a gun about increasing the danger - this is an enigma code.
Todorov's equilibrium - the equilibrium isn't revealed but the disequilibrium is shown when Shirley Carter shoots Phil Mitchell. Tension starts from here onwards as the police arrive and increases fear for this certain point in the climax.
Propp's stock characters - Shirley Carter - represents the villain and she's the one with the intention of shooting Phil Mitchell. Phil Mitchell is symbolised as the 'hero' and central protagonist. However, the multi-strand narrative means that the characters experiment in the different types of the seven spheres of action.
3) Notorious (The Movie) - FILM
Barthes' action and enigma codes - the action code is discovered first in this clip when Notorious B.I.G. (protagonist) and his crew stop at the traffic light and another car pulls up beside them - this makes the audience wonder if there will be any tension created or a violent outbreak possibly. This is confirmed through the enigma code when the driver in the car next to Notorious pulls out a gun with an intimidating look - this confirms that somebody is about to be shot.
Todorov's equilibrium - the equilibrium is created when Notorious leaves the club with his entourage (the audience assume everybody is safe at this point). Then the disequilibrium is constructed when the unknown driver in the other car pulls the trigger. The new equilibrium hasn't been restored yet as it ends on a cliff hanger. The movie overall has a documentary type narrative and in reality the death of rapper 'Notorious B.I.G' was caused by an unknown drive-by shooting. The murderer is yet to be discovered.
Propp's stock characters - the villain is the unknown person who shot Notorious B.I.G. - Notorious could be viewed at the central protagonist, despite the fact that the equilibrium isn't restored.
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